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DCFS Academic Internship Program Application

Applications will be accepted during the following windows:

  • Summer: January 15 through February 15
  • Fall: March 15 through April 15
  • Spring: September 15 through October 15

Prior to filling out this application, please have the following attachments ready for uploading with this application as these are required:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Resume

If Applicable, description and date of any criminal convictions.

For clarification on the different specialties available, click here.

 * indicates required field

You are under no obligation to reveal your date of birth. This information is for program statistical purposes only.

You are under no obligation to reveal your gender. This information is for program statistical purposes only.

You are under no obligation to reveal your ethnicity. This information is for program statistical purposes only.

Please indicate the 1st County in which you are willing or able to perform your fieldwork. Only Counties where DCFS offices are loated are listed.

Please indicate the 2nd County in which you are willing or able to perform your fieldwork. Only Counties where DCFS offices are loated are listed.

If yes, please provide a description of the specific crime(s) and dates on a separate sheet.

You must read the full statement, scrolling to the bottom of each disclaimer before being able to acknowledge your agreement.

I understand that if I use my personal car in carrying out assignments related to my learning objectives, I must hold a valid driver's license, current automobile liability and comprehensive automobile insurance and agree to complete and submit to the regional business office the form used to certify my license and my automobile insurance. I have also submitted a copy of my driver’s license and insurance with this application. I further understand that transporting clients is not acceptable as an intern assignment and is not reimbursable. If I transport clients I do so as a volunteer and understand that I hold all liability for mishaps.

Because of the nature of the work of DCFS, I understand that each prospective intern must clear a finger-print based background clearance including a CANTS check (Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System) SOR check (Sexual Offender Registry) and an Illinois State Police/FBI background check including use of LEADS. I understand that I would not be eligible to be an intern at DCFS if the CANTS or SOR indicates I am an indicated perpetrator in either system. I agree to cooperate with authorizations for DCFS to complete these background checks and to conduct/coordinate my fingerprinting through the DCFS Office of Training, Field Placement/Internship Program.

I, being eighteen years of age or older and of sound mind do hereby affirm as follows: 1. I have voluntarily chosen and elected to participate in an internship at the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. 2. I am fully aware of potential risk of harm which may arise in the course of this internship. 3. I willfully and freely assume complete responsibility for any injuries, physical or mental, which I might sustain by participating in a placement through the Professional Degree Field Placement Program at IDCFS. 4. I have made provisions through the University/College or my parents to have medical insurance sufficient to cover any medical obligations resulting from internship or emergencies onsite and give permission to allow DCFS to call for emergency care for me if appropriate. 5. I understand that it is my responsibility to arrange for registration of school credits for this internship and facilitate communication between school and field instructor as needed to provide this internship in line with rules and guidelines for each institution. 6. I will hold Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (IDCFS) harmless and not liable for any injury which may befall me as a result of my participation in the program.

By clicking "Submit" on this application, the student intern hereby releases and forever discharges the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, its employees and subdivisions from all claims and demand of any nature arising from this internship or any activities related to this internship.

Please Note: The following attachments are required or your application will not be processed.

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Resumè

IF you answered Yes to conviction of a crime, you must also attach a description of the specific crime(s) and dates.

Supported file formats:


Filename cannot start with period (.), contain the following characters \ / : * ? " < > | ; % $, or contain special filenames reserved for Windows OS like nul, prn, con, lpt, or com.

    Multiple files can be uploaded
