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Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

Children are the embodiment of innocence and hope for the future. We all agree that every child deserves to grow up in a nurturing environment where they are loved, cared for, secure and protected from verbal, sexual, emotional and physical abuse, exploitation and neglect. Both child abuse and child neglect cause serious harm to child development and have lifelong effects that reduce well-being and productivity and create greater demands on society.

We all have a shared interest and a shared responsibility to promote the common good by putting an end to child abuse and neglect. The many effective child abuse prevention programs across Illinois succeed because of strong partnerships created among families, social service agencies, schools, faith communities, civic organizations, law enforcement agencies, government entities and the business community.

Just as immunizations shield children, families and communities from influenza and other disease, research shows that child abuse and neglect can be reduced by promoting Six Protective Factors that make sure every family is safe, secure and has the support needed to raise their children in a healthy environment:

  • Promoting nurturing bonds between children, parents and caregivers.
  • Ensuring effective, appropriate and researched-based child discipline.
  • Strengthening parental resilience to stress.
  • Developing emotional and social skills in children.
  • Supporting parenting through social connections to friends and family.
  • Connecting families to community resources.

Learn more about how you can GIVEVOLUNTEER and ACT to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect in your neighborhood and your community.

Need help or want to know more?
These tip sheets from Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide (Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) are designed for parents and caregivers to address a particular parenting concern or question. The information is easy to read and focuses on concrete strategies parents and caregivers can use to take care of their children and strengthen their families.

Keeping Your Family Strong

Cómo mantener a su familia fuerte

Bonding With Your Baby

Cómo fortalecer los lazos de afecto con su bebé

Dealing With Temper Tantrums

Cómo lidiar con los berrinches

Parenting Your School-Age Child

Cómo criar a su hijo en edad escolar

Connecting With Your Teen

Cómo relacionarse con su hijo adolescente

Teen Parents ... You're Not Alone!

Hay muchos padres adolescentes como usted

Raising Your Grandchildren

Cómo criar a sus nietos

Military Families

Familias militares

How to Develop Strong Communities

Cómo desarrollo comunidades fuertes

Parenting Your Child With Developmental Delays and Disabilities

Cómo criar a su hijo con retrasos de desarrollo y discapacidades

Managing Stress

Manejando el estrés

Managing Your Finances

Manejando sus finanzas

Helping Your Child Heal From Trauma

Ayudando a su hijo a curarse del trauma

All 14 English tip sheets

Catorce hojas de consejos en Español
