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Child Welfare Employee Licensure Board

Child Welfare Employee Licensure Board (CWEL)
The Child Welfare Employee Licensure Board serves to protect, support and strengthen children, youth and families in Illinois by ensuring the procedures of the CWEL are up to date. CWEL helps to ensure licensing standards of qualifications, education and training for those who seek to work in the capacity of a direct child welfare services employee are up to date in accordance with Procedure 412. 

Response to the community includes but is not limited to the following:

The Administrative Hearings Unit (AHU) conducts all hearings related to allegations of licensure violation, as detailed by Rule 412.60. After the hearing, the administrative law judge submits to the board the hearing record with findings of fact, conclusions of law and makes recommendations to suspend the respondent's license, revoke the respondent's license, let the respondent's license continue in good standing or recommends any other action regarding the license.

The Emergency Licensing Review Team (ELRT) reviews complaints to determine if they met the criteria for referral to the OIG and/or the CWEL board. The CWEL unit, in conjunction with the OIG, prepares quarterly status/summary reports to update the board on the status of CWEL complaints.

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is involved with licensure complaints that represent violations of Rule 412.50. The OIG, the CWEL administrator and the chairperson of the CWEL board form an Emergency Licensure Review Team (ELRT), which reviews each formal complaint regarding licensed child welfare staff. Their review determines if an investigation is warranted as defined in Rule 412. If an investigation is warranted, the OIG conducts the investigation and determines if charges against the licensee should be filed. If charges are filed, the OIG coordinates with the Administrative Hearings Unit to establish a hearing date.

Child Welfare Employee Licensure Board Membership

Meeting Schedule

Upcoming Meetings

Past Meetings
