Cost and Budget Reporting
On this page you will find important information regarding the year-end financial reporting requirements including information on who is required to do an audit, consolidated financial report (CFR), instructions and forms.
All year-end financial reports are due 180 days after a providers fiscal year end. The department will notify providers in the fall (after the June 30 fiscal year end) of reports due. The provider agency shall submit two (2) copies of all required reports within 180 days of the end of the provider agency’s fiscal year to:
Office of Planning and Budget Development
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Mail Station 440
406 East Monroe Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1498
Summary of Changes for 2013 year-end reporting
The following have been added to the CFR instructions to clarify the columns on the revenue schedule.
Account Title: Please note that Fees & Purchase of Service revenues and Grant revenues must be reported separately for each major funding source identified on the form. The differences between "Fees & Purchase of Service," "Grant Revenues," "Contributions & Other," "Investment Income" and “Net Assets Released from Restriction” are discussed further below
Agency Total: The agency total column reports the total funding for the agency. The amounts listed here must agree with the total funding identified in the certified independent audit report. All funding, regardless of source, must be reported in this column.
All Other Not Allocated: This column will contain the difference between the “Agency Total” column and the sum of the program columns.
Program Columns: The revenues reported for each program required to be separately reported.
The audit checklist has been replaced with a Checklist and Interrogatory for Financial and Statistical Reporting. The new checklist brings into one document the significant year-end reporting requirements. The checklist can be completed by staff in your agency. However, questions now asked within the checklist may necessitate consultation with your independent auditors. Your agency’s leadership is also now asked to attest to the accuracy of the statements made in completing the checklist. It is not expected the changes will increase the cost of the independent audit.
Reporting Requirements
A provider is required to report in the following instances:
A certified independent financial audit is required when the provider agency accrues revenue of more than $150,000 from the department during the State fiscal year. Financial audits must be performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. If your agency is required to provide a certified independent financial audit, the Checklist and Interrogatory for Financial and Statistical Reporting must be completed and enclosed with the annual audit and cost reporting submission documents. The checklist should be completed by private agency staff.
If a certified independent financial audit is required AND your agency’s State of Illinois, DCFS Contract meets the requirements of Exhibit C; a Consolidated Financial Report (CFR) is due. The Consolidated Financial Report (CFR) must be bound within the certified independent audit report. The independent auditor shall provide an opinion expressing the accuracy of the Cost and Revenue schedules of the Consolidated Financial Report (CFR) in relation to the audited financial statements.
If a certified independent financial audit is NOT required, but your agency is required to submit a CFR; the CFR is not required to be opined by the independent auditor.
All governmental and not-for-profit organizations must also consider federal reporting requirements and federal audit guidelines. If the total of all sub recipient federal funds expended by your agency during the agency’s fiscal year exceeds $500,000, the audit must be completed in accordance with the guidance specified in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 Audits of States, Local Government, and Non-Profit Organizations and be submitted to the department. The department will notify your agency of sub-recipient dollars received from DCFS.
Please note that your agency shall adhere to any additional reporting requirements stated in the contract program plan.
Questions regarding DCFS Financial Reporting should be directed to the Office of Planning and Budget at