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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

YouthCare Health Plan


YouthCare is a specialized healthcare program chosen by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) to administer medical, behavioral health, dental, vision and pharmacy coverage for current and former youth in care aged birth through 21.

Former youth in care are youth who were previously under the guardianship of DCFS prior to reunification with their families, adoption or subsidized guardianship; or youth whose juvenile court cases have been closed and the youth are no longer under the legal custody of DCFS. YouthCare has been administering benefits for former youth in care since February 1, 2020.

Youth in care are youth who are currently in the state of Illinois’ legal custody and are living with foster parents, in group homes or in residential settings. YouthCare began administering benefits for youth in care on September 1, 2020.

Every youth enrolled in YouthCare has a dedicated “care coordinator” who assists with:

  • Obtaining the youth’s medial history.
  • Finding new providers or specialists.
  • Getting medication approved at the pharmacy.
  • Providing education about youth’s medical conditions.

To verify that a provider is part of the YouthCare network, contact member services at 844-289-2264 or

Current youth in care who would like to switch health plans may request a change by contacting the DCFS Advocacy Office at 800-232-3798 or Youth over 18 years of age can choose their own HealthChoice Illinois Health Plan. For youth under 18 years of age, the DCFS guardianship administrator can choose an alternate health plan if it is determined the youth can be better served through an alternate plan.

DCFS medical card hotline: 1-800-228-6533

This toll-free number is used for the following:

  • If a medical card wasn't received.
  • Caseworkers will call asking what address is on the card or call to let the Technical Support Unit staff know an address change needs to be entered.
  • If the child's name and/or birthdate are incorrect.
  • Providers call to verify the correct recipient number and periods of eligibility.
  • If a call comes in and the youth in care doesn't have a medical card yet and needs to go to the doctor immediately, the Technical Support Unit staff can fax a copy of the MMIS screen to the medical provider or give the information (RIN # and period of eligibility) over the phone.

Need help or want to know more?

Child Welfare Medicaid Managed Care Implementation Advisory Workgroup
The Child Welfare Medicaid Managed Care Implementation Advisory Workgroup was established by PA100-0646 to advise the department on the transition and implementation of managed care for children. To see the meeting schedules, membership list, meeting agendas and minutes, click here
