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Teen Parenting

If you are a youth in care of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), are a minor (male or female), and are pregnant or have a child and are the caretaker of that child, you have the right to be informed about pregnancy options and alternatives. Contact your caseworker as soon as possible and he or she will connect you to information, services and support to help you during this important time of your life. Read the DCFS brochure Important Information for Pregnant or Parenting Teens in English or en español for more information.

The programs below offer additional help to pregnant and parenting youth in care.

UCAN’s Teen Parent Service Network (TPSN)

The Teen Parent Service Network (TPSN) is responsible for providing oversight and service coordination to pregnant and parenting youth in care and their children statewide by linking youth and their children to an array of services, including: TPSN case management teams, education and employment support, parenting and clinical support, comprehensive discharge planning, advocacy, health care, early learning, home visiting, day care coordination for their children and other specialty services. TPSN and its partners also provide Risk Reduction training across the state that focuses on safe sleep, how to select a good care provider, how to identify if a child has been mistreated and infant brain development. UCAN TPSN and its partners are experts in working with teens to ensure they succeed as people and as parents.

Illinois Department of Human Services

The Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) is another state agency that provides services to pregnant and parenting teens. The department’s teen parent programs help pregnant and parenting teens get the education and training they need to support their families and become better parents. The DHS Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program is a food assistance program that helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. Click here to see if you are eligible to receive WIC benefits.

All Kids

The All Kids program offers Illinois uninsured children comprehensive healthcare that includes doctors visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, vision care, dental care and medical devices like eyeglasses and asthma inhalers. Parents pay monthly premiums for the coverage, but rates are significantly lower than they are on the private market.

Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

Child care resource and referral services are available in all Illinois communities through local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies.

CCAP provides:

  • Education, information and resource materials about quality child care options.
  • Referrals to child care programs.
  • Help with paying for child care costs for families who qualify.
  • Referrals to services for children with special needs.

Other Resources

Metropolitan Family Services: MOMs Plus
Medical Insurance Information: YouthCare Health Plan


Kevin Walsh, LCSW
Education & Transition Services Administrator - Cook
DCFS Office of Education & Transition Services
Cell: 312-771-7989
Office: 312-814-6389
