Locating a Medical Provider for Youth in Care
Resources for Locating a Medical Provider for a Child in DCFS Care
- Primary Care Provider - For assistance in locating a doctor for a child in the care and custody of DCFS, please contact the HealthWorks Lead Agency for the county where the child lives. View a list of HealthWorks Contact Coordinators and the counties they serve.
- DCFS medical card hotline - 1-800-228-6533 - this toll free number is used for the following:
- If a medical card wasn't received.
- Caseworkers will call asking what address is on the card, or call to let the Technical Support Unit staff know an address change needs to be entered.
- If the child's name and/or birthdate is incorrect.
- Providers call to verify the correct recipient number and periods of eligibility.
- If a call comes in and the youth doesn't have a medical card yet and needs to go to the doctor immediately, the Technical Support Unit staff can fax a copy of the MMIS screen to the medical provider or give the information (RIN # and period of eligibility) over the phone.
- Dental care - Dentaquest is the administrator of the Illinois Medicaid dental program. For referral to a dental or orthodontic provider, call 888-281-2076 or 888-286-2447.
- Vision care - Illinois Health Connect can assist in locating a Medicaid vision care provider. Please contact Illinois Health Connect at 1-877-912-1999.